that sucked ass
that was so horrible.
that sucked ass
that was so horrible.
That was funny, a little random as well. Not bad for a non-stick short.
Eh...that was a little weird...
Threebrain's band? I think you guys should practice a little more. The video was a little funny, but mostly fucked up.
That was fuckin good!
The sound was a little choppy, and it could use a pre-loader, but all in all it kicked ass!
What the fuck
I mean, sure, it was fuckin good, but what happend to Robs ideas? In the last one, the end was a total clif-hanger, and in this one, it has nothing to do with the ending. It just shows us the same as in the first one, what the fuck.
Man, that was the shit!
That was one of the greatest movies I've seen on NG in a long time!
that is SOAD, i'm almost possative
pretty good fuckin movie
That was the funniest video!
It was ok
This was all and all pretty fuckin sweet, and I dont even like FF that much. Goor work my friend. But I dont think this should be number one, I mean, it's that good, but HEY, beats the hell out of that fuckin gay Sim Girl Game.
-JaCk HoLe-
Good shit 0_0
It was pretty good, could have used more movement though, I mean, all they do is just like, sit there and movie theire mouths.
What's up motha fuckas. RocK BoTToM EnterTainmenT will be open soon and rain suppreme.
Age 42, Male
Skate Shop
Burlington, MA
Joined on 7/3/02